Leslie Margolies

Meet Professor Landlord

Meet Landlord Tenant Attorney Leslie A. Margolies, also known on Instagram as Professor Landlord.  Your journey to becoming a successful landlord begins with a smart tour guide.  And for landlords and property managers, that smart tour guide is Professor Landlord. She sums up three decades of learning from both inside and outside of the courtroom and delivers it in an easy-to-understand format.  She is committed to the success of her students and will be an invaluable resource to your business for many years to come.

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The Big Picture

There are only two possible routes to take in your journey to becoming a landlord.  Either you take the tough and tortuous road...or the smart and painless one...the choice is all yours. The tough road is torturous because it is filled with headaches and expensive mistakes. These landlords start out by "winging it"...borrowing scraps of information and questionable forms from here and there...shooting themselves in the foot more often than not...and ending up in landlord-tenant court much more often than necessary. Unfortunately, they do not understand where they went wrong and so they are destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.  Even mid-size and larger property management companies are plagued with tenant issues that their staff employees do not know how to resolve.   The dockets of district courts and municipal courts across our country are filled with their cases and create a burden on the court system.  The smarter path for any business owner is to first learn the fundamental concepts, the rules of the road, and the tools of the trade.  The smart path for all landlords and property managers starts at Landlord College.

Professor Landlord's Online Workshops, Boot Camps & Master Classes

Professor Landlord conducts workshops and boot camps for real estate investor groups, brokerage firms, property management companies as well as local governmental agencies. The 2-hour introductory workshop is entirely free for any organization with 20 or more attendees. The participants learn risk management and how to manage the landlord-tenant relationship. The Weekend Warrior Master Classes are conducted over one weekend and participants learn Professor Landlord's Risk Management System for Landlords called The FrameWork.™ All boot camps and master classes are taught entirely online in a lively and interactive format. Each day ends with an extensive question-and-answer period so that each participant is able to get answers to their own individual questions.

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